The Truth about Hormones

Listen friends I like to keep things real here. For whatever reason people want to keep what they are walking in hush hush. Especially if they are all out of whack. I think its time to rip the veil and share. I hope you’ll join me. For about a year and a half I’ve been going down down down. Feelings … Read More

Love to Travel, Hate the Planning?

You’re Not Alone! There’s something magical about visiting new places and creating fresh memories. Who doesn’t love the thrill of exploring new landscapes and cultures? However, if you’re like me and manage Celiac Disease, the idea of traveling can stir up more anxiety than excitement. Deciding where to go is just the start. Then comes the daunting task of navigating … Read More

Living in a “Bubble”

Do you ever feel like you are living in a bubble? If I go here and eat will I get glutened? My extended family jus’t don’t understand how to keep food safe. So, I guess I’ll take my own container of food over. Or here’s a good one, The coworkers or boss gets food for the office and then there … Read More

It’s a crazy world…. so eat CAKE!

As I see notifications pop up on my phone about the crazy day to day things happening in the world I remember my granny telling me at a very young age of 9ish… “Neecey, the world is a mess. It’s gone to hell in a handbag. I know it’s the end times and the rapture will be any day. Praise … Read More

Happily Aging Together

Let’s face it we all are aging. We can “choose” to happily age or wine moan and complain about it. Sure we can let the worlds idea of aging press in and make us feel old and even dicredpid. My man and I choose to age together naturally and vibrantly. Our goal since married 23 years ago is to age … Read More

Travel is Brutal… no joke.

We finally had our BIG 20th Anniversary vacation from 2020. My husband Scott and I flew from Kentucky to Portland spent a day and a half then flew on to Hawaii. Our stay was in Kona on the Big Island. Our travel took us from KY to Dallas with 6 delays. Then to Portland. From Portland we had three delays … Read More

Miracles really do happen

There have been so many times in my life that I have witnessed a true MIRACLE. Today I’m sharing a some. When Connor was in kindergarten he came home not feeling great. Said his legs hurt. Didn’t eat any dinner and just wasn’t his usually energetic self. He had a low grade fever of 100 so I wasn’t too worried. … Read More

My GF Baked Stuffing Recipe

Friends we didn’t offer our baked stuffing this year and ya’ll were less than thrilled. I thought why not just how you how to make it yourself. It’s fun and easy. In the video you’ll see me make it in a pie pan (all I had handy), but the product at the end is in a casserole crock and is … Read More

…and everything changed.

I won’t start this post by mentioning the obvious world crisis. Instead I’m going to tell you how I’m handling it. First, I prayed and asked Father for guidance then I cut our hours to 9-3 three days a week. Monday, Friday and Saturday. That meant I then had to do something I’ve never done and I laid off five … Read More

To fast or not to fast?

For lent I usually challenge my friends and family to commit to a fast for 40 days. One year it was The Paleo Challenge. I heard of wonderful results people were having both spiritually and physically. One elderly woman said she accepted the challenge and it changed her and her husbands life. I can certainly understand why. Paleo lifestyle eliminates … Read More