Our Story

My son Connor was always sick. He got everything you can imagine. We couldn’t understand why he had so many fevers, colds, stomach bugs etc. Then he began to have gastrointestinal distress. Severe knife stabbing pains often accompanied with diarrhea. Eventually, he had diarrhea everyday.
At seven and eight he was afraid to go anywhere because he knew he most likely would have stomach trouble while out. Once diagnosed with an over the top Gluten Allergy, life changed. Within a week of the diagnosis he was symptom free. Granted our lifestyles drastically changed.
No more fast foods, or quick foods of any kind. No sandwiches or chicken nuggets. He felt like an alien when he ate lunch at school. I sent lunch meat rolled up in a ziploc, carrots, fruit and Lays. That was it everyday.
For me the diagnosis gave me mixed feelings. Thrilled to know the culprit of his illnesses, but overwhelmed with how to feed my child. I actually cried everyday for ten days. Finally, I prayed, held my head up and got started on a plan.
That overwhelmed feeling is exactly why I started this Blog. To help you and guide you so you know you are not alone. You can eat normally with a little effort. Okay, a lot of effort. In the end it’s all worth it.
Connor still had problems with his immune system at first, because of the years of polluting his body with toxic foods. It has been a process to get him to the point he’s at now. He has a clean bill of health and is now a healthy young man.
However, all can change in a blink of the eye. On Connor’s tenth birthday a friends mom gave him a bag of Twizzler’s. Thinking she knew about his gluten allergy and she would have checked, he ate most of the bag. He spent his birthday in the E.R. Where he was diagnosed with E.E. (Eosinophilic Esophagitis). E.E. is a condition where your Esophagus swells from eating something your allergic to, like gluten. For Connor, it was horrific. He really thought he was going to die. He had a full-blown panic attack and they continued chronically for six months. He would wake up at night every twenty minutes screaming. It was a very rough time for us.
Connor doesn’t take any chances now. He reads all labels himself. We are both more determined than ever to share his story creating awareness of the many serious conditions associated with gluten. The media often makes fun of what they don’t understand. Our mission…help them. Celiac is not the only condition that causes severe reactions. There are over 200 symptoms associated with eating gluten. We are on a journey to help enlighten the world. Will you join us?
*Later it was determined that Connor does have Celiac Disease.
Miracles Bakery is a faith
driven organization changing lives
through the power of food,
while helping folks with their journey